Tag: Continuous integration

Key Software Factory Tools in the Java World

Here are some popular free and/or freemium tools for creating a software factory for a Java project :

I’ve written about these build tools before.

Here’s a chart showing the relative popularity of these 3 tools.

There are many more unit test facilitators available for free, and I’ve developed some lesser-known open-source unit test facilitators myself.

  • Integration test facilitators
    • Arquillian – allows you to run a test on a Java EE server (either a remote server or one configured and launched by your test code)
    • OpenEJB – a lightweight EJB framework implementation that can be launched in a test
    • DBUnit – set up and clean up after tests that use real database connections
    • Docker – actually, Docker is a facilitator for just about any sort of automation you want to do, but I put it in the integration test category because it allows you to spin up a database or other server from a test.

Note: do not mix the Arquillian and OpenEJB together in the same test suite – jar conflicts can ensue when tests are run manually in Eclipse

There are surely other tools I’ve left out.  Feel free to mention your favorites in the comments.